Using MetabX

To decompose IOTs

You need to install some software before it works (see Python requirements). With that software, it should work out of the box to decompose IOTs.

You can run MetabX in 2 ways: either from the shell or through Spyder

TODO: Explain both

To draw circular diagrams

By default MetabX does not draw the circular diagrams. Before following the next steps, make sure you have installed all additional software for it (see Circos requirements).

Then, you need to edit the file. Specifically, find the ``circos_draw```and set it to True. This will generate all files required by circos to create the diagrams.

You can also tell MetabX to execute circos for you so you do not need to go and execute it to create each diagram.This will slow down MetabX but save you lots of time. For that, the option circos_execute needs to be set as True. In windows machines, you may need to set the program path manually (I did not test it for windows, so feedback will be appreciated). To do that, open file and change the circos_program_name to the absolute path. Since windows uses backslashes instead of forward slashes, you need to add the absolute path in this format: ‘C:\path\to\circos’.

You can also set MetabX to open the diagrams as they are created by setting circos_open_images to true. (note the windows version is not yet implemented, sorry!).

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Installation requirements

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Data input format and its parsing

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